Friday, January 20, 2012

3 Months

My sweet little guy is 3 months old. He is such an angel and is rolling over a lot and smiles and laughs often. He started daycare this week and his teachers said he never is fussy and is all smiles....sounds like my guy.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Couple of Photos of Asher

The sweet chunky monkey smile of Asher' cracks me up because he just looks chunky and silly.

Asher is showing off his muscles.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January, 2012

It is January and the weather is beautiful right now. Our winters are more like a fall in Minnesota and the trees are starting to change colors, which always makes me nostalgic for home. I still have a couple of weeks home before I have to go back to work, so I am starting to get sad to leave my little guy. He sure is a sweet baby and smiles all the time. I have yet to really hear him cry, so I have been blessed with two easy going babies. Asher and Carsten like doing "tummy time" together and my little 2 1/2 month old rolled over last night. Of course Carsten had to show me how he can roll over too. Mitch and I walked yesterday with Boedy and Asher for about 2 hours and Boedy enjoyed his bed all day after the walk....he looked so sweet.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy 2012

Yay, it is a new year and what I think will be an exciting year with our two boys getting bigger by the day. Asher turned 2 months on December 19th and weighed 13 lbs and 13 oz and was 24 inches tall. He has doubled his birth weight and I marvel at the fact of how big he is getting. I look back at his newborn babies and it doesn't even seem like the same baby. We had a good Christmas and New Year. The Johnson family came from Minnesota and Carsten loved having his cousins around. The weather has been gorgeous and as I write this, Mitch and Carsten are waiting to go to the park and hit some golf balls, so I better not keep them too long.