Monday, September 29, 2008


We just got back from our visit to MN and we had such a nice time. It is great to be around family and friends and in cooler temps. This was the first time Carsten has ever worn a coat. He got to learn so much from his cousins and have fun playing with them too.
He saw his cousin Brynn swim, Breghan at gymnastics, Alex at football, we dropped of Lauren at soccer....I guess we were movers and shakers while we were there. Carsten also started to get up on all fours and pull himself around. His two bottom teeth are starting to come in too. I guess MN was a maturing place for him. Thanks to my family for letting us come visit and stay at your homes.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Giggle Box

Here is Carsten right after we got done eating dinner. He is happy when daddy gets home and he can get a break from his mommy.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Umm, I don't think I want that on

Okay, here is Carsten the other day when I put him down for a nap. I guess he decided music wasn't relaxing for him that day. He has been enjoying his classes and I swear the other day he was singing in our music class. The teacher was laughing because after we would finish singing Carsten would belt out his voice for everyone to hear. I think he takes after Mitch and not his mama....his singing wasn't so good, but he liked to be the center of attention.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Football Season

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is football season and that means it will start to feel like Fall weather. The leaves are changing, you can feel the crispness in the air. Oh yeah, we are in Arizona. I learned the hard way last year that football season doesn't mean I can roll out the stews and chili when it is still 100 degrees out. Of course Mitch loves being able to watch the Gophers and the Vikings and Carsten has seen his first Viking and Gopher game. I think Carsten has been the Gophers good luck charm.
At an early age I think Carsten already likes to fight with me. Everytime I put him down to go to sleep I turn on his musical aquarium and give him a kiss, he then proceeds to roll over and turn his aquarium off. That little stinker. I have included the latest photos of what we have been up to over the last couple of weeks. We went to California, Jerome and have been watching football. Finally the weather is starting to cool down and walks are on the agenda again.