Monday, May 12, 2008

What a difference a year makes

Wow, I can't believe a year ago Mitch was graduating from dental school and we were getting ready to move to AZ. I was wrapping up my time at work, and getting use to the idea of moving away from family and friends. Now, I just celebrated my 1st Mother's Day with my beautiful little boy, husband and dog...I guess we are officially a family.

Now that I celebrated my 1st Mother's Day, I kinda forced myself to look at my life now and what it means to be a mom and what it means to be me. As a mom, you definitely learn what it means to be selfless. When it is just you, it is all about you. You can do what you want, when you want. Now that Carsten is here, everything revolves around him, and making sure he is happy. It is good to learn that life isn't all about you. I've gone hungry, I've gotten ready in 2 minutes and I wouldn't change a thing, because my little guy comes first.

Being a mom now has just added another element to my life. You go through many stages of your life. You have a certain life in college, you have another life when you get married and have a career, and now I have the best life.

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